In the meantime, I've actually decided I prefer what is basically Wonder Bread. And to top it off, at dinner the other night I was served AMERICAN BREAD. I know you can't read it all in this little picture, so I'll give you the details. The first line says "mordibidissimo pane bianco." Morbidissimo? My first thought was death. Dead white bread? I mean REALLY dead white bread? That's the "issimo" part. You can think of it as REALLY. But, I checked my dictionary and "morbido" means soft, not dead. So, here we have our REALLY soft white bread.
The next line says, "Ricetta Americana." That means American Recipe. For bread?! Is there an American recipe for bread? Well, thanks to this great marketing, the Italians think there is.
And the expiration date? It's now May 12. This bread, which I have no idea when it was purchased, is good until June 13. Is bread ever good for a month and a day? I don't think so.
Here's the best part of all. In fine print it says, "Prodotto in Francia." Do I have to translate that? Produced in France. What do you know?! No matter what, my favorite bread in Italy is French bread.
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