Sunday, January 26, 2025

New Year's Intentions

It's easy to avoid talking about New Year's resolutions in Italy because it's usually only a part of the post-holiday inquisition when l'americana brings it up. I often avoid the subject altogether because new year after new year I find myself frustrated with such a different interpretation.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, a resolution is a promise to yourself to do or not to do something. Instead, Oxford Languages says it's a firm decision to do or not to do something. I prefer Brittanica Dictionary's definition: a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should.

In Italian, New Year's resolutions are called Buoni Proposti, which translates as good intentions. Imagine asking your colleagues at the water cooler (if offices still have water coolers) about their good intentions for the new year. And how about the first week of February when you have to confess that you no longer do sit-ups every night before bed. Is it grammatically correct to say that you've broken your good intention?

We've  all been told where the road paved with good intentions leads, and in case you've forgotten, it's not heaven. So this year why not follow the yellow brick road which leads to brains, courage and love; three essentials for achieving goals. And for those of us that have written 'travel more' on 2025's resolution list, perhaps it's time to realize there's no place like home.

*For international readers, the yellow brick road is from a children's novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank L. Baum in 1900.


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