Friday, March 27, 2020

A Smiling Rainbow in Italy

Italians and rainbows are doing what they can to boost morale during the Coronavirus pandemic. And there's an americana trying to do her part, too. (see I wasn't confident about my construction skills on an oversized project, but nine days later the 15-foot rainbow that spans my driveway is still blowing in the wind. Had I thought on installation day that there would also be a dismantling day, production may have never begun.

Last week's rainbow from a new perspective.
I know I had this thought after 9/11 when I bought my tiny flag pin from a box of fifty cent items at an antique store.  People had their flags out and anchormen had their flags on and I wanted to join them.  But at that time I also remember wondering how and when someone would decide to stop displaying it. Do you just wake up one day and think, "Ok, it's been long enough"?  I can't remember if the fear of deciding when enough was enough actually kept me from wearing the pin.

Fortunately, I've never known anyone who's died in a fatal traffic accident, but I have the same thought every time I pass a roadside memorial.  Some day someone just stops bringing flowers.

I'm glad I didn't let these thoughts get in my way on rainbow-making day.  I'm happy to see it from my window as I write and to pass under it when I get home from a walk. It's not the same every day.  Different hours and different weather have an effect on my rainbow, just like they have an effect on you and me. 

The first week I sent photos of my installation to friends even though I never liked them (the photos, not the friends). My objective was to show its size and placement, but the photos had too much background noise. Nine days later I found a new perspective and saw that its colors were brighter, its details were clearer and it was smiling.

The coronavirus has forced all of us to look at life from a different perspective.  Hopefully in time yours will be brighter, clearer and filled with smiles.

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