Monday, April 6, 2020

A Spring Fashion Show from Locked Down Italy

Pizza's not the only thing I miss on lockdown in Italy.  I miss my spring coats, too. My Ethiopian running coat is the only one that's made it out this year. I wear it on the impromptu Italian runway along the canal in the field 200 meters from home. 
The coat serves two purposes. One, the more I look like an athlete, the less problems I'll have explaining that I'm out in the field for motor activity (an activity allowed on lockdown) and not just a leisurely walk. And two, from far away I look like a member of the Civil Protection Department so if other people out participating in motor activity see me, they run the other way, thus protecting me from the coronavirus.

The fact that spring has come (and will probably go) while I'm on lockdown means that I won't get to wear my spring coats this year. So I've decided to air them out and share them here.....with hopes for better luck next year.

Collin's Dictionary defines a fashionista as "a person who follows trends obsessively and strives continually to adopt the latest fashions." But I prefer Merriam Webster's definition of style "a distinctive appearance." And if we must define distinctive, let's go with Oxford's definition, "characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others."

LIVE from Italy....... the fashion capital of the world, a show of distinctive (yet  unfashionable) spring coats.

Shanghai, China
Jodhpur, India
One' di Fonte, Italy
Chicago, Illinois
Michigan City, Indiana
Paris, France
Ptuj, Slovenia
New York, New York

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