Monday, January 24, 2011

Most hidden treasures are in the basement

I knew if I went back to Chicago and some of you knew about the huge Monet exhibit that was in Paris while I was in Paris and you knew that I didn't go, you'd think I was nuts.  Actually, I'd kind of think I was nuts, too.  So, I went.  I mean, I tried to go.

Don't ask me how I got Musee de l'Orangerie in my head, but I did.  I'm a member of Musee d'Orsay and with that comes a membership to a few other things.  One of which I thought was where the huge Monet exhibit was.

Well, there's a huge Monet exhibit at Musee de l'Orangerie, that's for sure.  But I didn't see it at first.  I waved my membership card and headed downstairs.  There were no big posters or fancy signs directing me to the special exhibit, I just thought I'd find it.  I didn't have a lot of time, so I whizzed through the galleries passing Renoirs, Picassos, and Gauguins like they were in my living room.  I just wanted to find the Monet.  I felt like a real tourist that needed to cross something off the list.

When I couldn't find the exhibit, I asked for help.  I was directed back upstairs.  When I got there, I saw a sign that said,  "Please remain silent."  What?  At an art exhibit?  I honestly thought for a minute that maybe Monet was so important in Paris that he deserved it.  I entered.  Slowly and quietly.  Yes, there were huge Monet paintings, but not a huge Monet exhibit.  They were gigantic.  I thought this was just the opening to the rest of the show.  And I thought it was super cool because the building seemed to be made for these paintings.  There were curved walls with giant paintings going from one end to the other and curving right along with the wall.  Again, I walked through the room quickly, looking for the real  treasures.  It only led to another room, more curved walls and more huge paintings.  And then, there was no way out.  I could only walk back through the two rooms that had already been walked through on the way in.  Where was the exhibit?  I asked.  In French.  And I was told, in French, that this space was built for these paintings and the whole 'please be silent' thing was part of it all and that the special exhibit that I was looking for was actually at Le Grand Palais which would be closed by the time I got there.  And.... the exhibit would be packing up by the time I got home from Italy.  C'est la vie.

Anyway,  I was thrilled to go back downstairs and enjoy this museum filled with all of the guys we've heard of in one room, for no special occasion.  They're just together there because it's a museum in Paris and they're always there, in the basement.  They're not part of a special exhibit that I have to see just because I'm here. I can come back any time I want to and flash my membership card and hang out with them.

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